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Aww, Rick - Conner 2

Aww, Rick

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"Aww, Rick" is the instinctive and appropriate verbal response of the human voice when stimulated by the essence of Rick. This response can also be invoked by a story of Rick's charm, wholesomeness, or overall Rick-ness.



The origins of the phrase, "Aww, Rick" can be traced to the Facebook group which was created in the Spring of 2006. A group of freshman girls (the '09s) were discussing their desire to create a Facebook group, at which point Laura began the group creation process. She looked around the room and asked what group she could create which they would all be a part of. The answer was obvious, and thus, the "We <3 Rick" Facebook group was born.

The group's description shows the first written record of the origins of the phrase, "Aww, Rick:"

If you're unable to say the name "Rick" without following with "aww," then this is the group for you.

At this point, the phrase "Aww, Rick" had not been formalized, or it would have surely been used in the group's description. It is clear, however, that the writers had the beginnings of the idea.

Proper Pronunciation

There is much discussion on the floor as to the proper pronunciation of the phrase, "Aww, Rick." Currently, Laura and Adelaide are the arbiters of the standard pronunciation. The current standard is pronounced with a cute, maternal tone. "Aww" dips slightly downwards in tone, then back up again. "Rick" is enunciated in 2 syllables. The first syllable rises in tone, while the second drops in tone, resulting in a peak more pronounced than the low in "aww."


Ruth adds her own Southern inflection to the pronunciation, drawing out Rick's name without the lilt characteristic in Laura and Adelaide's pronunciation. The other floor residents each have their own methods of pronunciation, which Laura refuses to accept as "correct."


Rick hates it.

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