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User:Lnicks - Conner 2


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Laura Nicholson


The Nicholson

unit of quality storytelling

Fun Facts

Laura once bit a hole through her lower lip. She thinks this makes her badass.


Laura, who was born and raised in the greatest state in the country, is proud of her heritage as a Jersey Girl. (Translation: don't mess.) Laura loves playing all kinds of sports- baseball and field hockey are two of her favorites. In fact, she plays for the MIT Varsity field hockey team. She also volunteers for MIT-EMS, which is the campus's student run ambulance service. Not only that, she is one of Conner 2's three (count 'em, three) admissions bloggers.

Laura attended high school at one of MIT's younger cousins, High Technology High School and is now Course 2 at MIT.

It was at the Jersey Shore, at a very young age, that Laura met the love of her life. Since moving to the Boston area, she's decided that the Sox are okay, but she will forever remain loyal to her first love: the New York Mets.

Secret Santa Poem