Strict Standards: (conner2) Declaration of SSLAuthPlugin::setPassword() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::setPassword($user, $password) in /afs/ on line 20

Strict Standards: (conner2) Declaration of SSLAuthPlugin::addUser() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::addUser($user, $password, $email = '', $realname = '') in /afs/ on line 20

Strict Standards: (conner2) Declaration of SSLAuthPlugin::initUser() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::initUser(&$user, $autocreate = false) in /afs/ on line 20
User:Hyamada - Conner 2


From Conner 2

Revision as of 06:24, 2 December 2007 by Hyamada (Talk | contribs)
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Yuki Sakai



  • Room - 211B(itch!)
  • Height - 5 furlongs and 1/2 Japanese. As in not white. As in SHORT, ok??
  • Weight - Give or take a couple thousand metric tonnes. I eat a lot.
  • Purity Score - xxx%
  • Graduation Year - 2011
  • Major - Course 2A? Energy? 11?
  • Floor Positions - the Norwegian blue prefers kippin' on its back!
  • Strengths - A thousand men
  • Weaknesses - You seem very confident that you will find my weakness...
  • Nicknames - Sakai? ; YUKI, don't be that guy!

Conner 2 Trivia


not yet assigned

Video Game Persona 

not yet assigned

Secret Santa Poem 



"This is why we can't go nice places, Mason..."

[Referring to a physics problem]
"How do you do it?"
"You just wank a lot."

[Going for a high-five with Oscar, whose hand is raised.]
"Are we doing this?"
I have a question. What's unagi?