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User:Oldja - Conner 2


From Conner 2

Revision as of 03:32, 26 June 2007 by Oldja (Talk | contribs)
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Lauren Oldja (attired in 19 oldjas)

Lauren Oldja



  • Room - 224B
  • Height - 5'9
  • Weight - ?
  • Purity Score - xx%
  • Graduation Year - 2008
  • Major - Course 11
  • Floor Positions - Minister of Leisure Activities
  • Strengths - food, techno electronica, fashion, travel
  • Weaknesses - fiscal irresponsibilit
  • Nicknames - LOLdja, lo-rizzle, low-rider

Conner 2 Trivia

Lauren, sporting Spartan death gear and a crossbow, is going to kick your ass with 23 oldjas.
The oldja is a unit of measurement of ridiculousness of dress. For example, if one were to dress like Mir on fire, they would have achieved a level of 100 oldjas. Failing to meet the "no shirt, no shoes" requirement would bring one 10 anti-oljdas, and an escort from the premises.
Video Game Persona 
Lauren is Marle from Chrono Trigger, because she is a rebellious tomboy princess, and also carries a crossbow.
Secret Santa Poem 


Lauren is a nomad of sorts. Drifting to Conner 2 from the land of Simmons (and Boston and Deutschland before), Lauren bears a penchant for techno, anime, sushi, and fabulous clothes and crushing power.


"Dooooo it!"

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