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User:Masont - Conner 2


From Conner 2

Revision as of 22:04, 18 February 2007 by Masont (Talk | contribs)
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A portrait of Mason Tang


  • Height - 5' 6"
  • Weight - 142 lbs
  • Room - 212C
  • Strengths - Guitar solos, rocking out to Queen, being ridiculous
  • Weaknesses - Bad Chinese food, punches to the face
  • Nicknames - Mevan, Mevdor


I was an ugly baby, although my mother would probably disagree. For some reason that I have yet to discover, my hair has always been of the "steel wire" variety, leading to a baby with a head of hair that would stand straight up until it grew to at least several inches long. It was a most curious sight, this little round-faced Chinese baby with a veritable eruption of black hair sprouting out of his head. It didn't much matter, of course. What would a wee baby know of such things? Of course, I would go on to discover hair gel (and subsequently develop a strong dislike for the stuff) at a much later time.

I digress.

I grew up in Worcester, living with my parents and later, at the age of three, with my little brother, Alex. Those were carefree times, and I distinctly remember many happy moments: my first NES (Super Mario 3), ice cream at the Newport Creamery (a double scoop of chocolate with chocolate sprinkles), playing in the backyard with a toy lawnmower that blew bubbles instead of cutting grass (why not?), and countless others.

When I started school, we had already moved to the quiet suburb of Shrewsbury. I attended Beal School for the early years of my education, and later moved on to Spring St. School for elementary school, Venerini Academy for middle school, St. John's High for two years of high school, two years at the venerable Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science, and now MIT.


Video Game Counterpart 
Mason's video game counterpart is...
Purity Score 
Mason's current purity score is...
The tang is a measure of a given statement's orthogonality to the direction of the conversation it is used in. In practice, a statement with one tang's worth of randomness is capable of completely silencing a bustling conversation in a moderately sized group.
"Mason, that there was about 2 tang's worth of WTF; I can't believe you just said that.
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